The Persian dictionary Burhān-i Qāṭiʿ, compiled by Muḥammad Ḥusayn b. Khalaf al-Tabrīzī in 1062/1651-2 in Ḥaydarābād, mentions the use of two very particular terms in the language of the town of Khivaq in Khwarizm (ed. Muḥammad Muʿīn (Tehran, 1330-5 s./1951-6), Vol. II, 1183, also available here):
سوپ - به ضم اول و سكون ثانى و باى فارسى به زبان خيوق كه يكى از الكاى خوارزم است آب را گويند همچنان كه پكند با باى فارسى و كاف بر وزن سمند نان را و سوپ و پكند آب و نان است
sūp, with ḍamm on the first (letter) and sukūn on the second and a Persian 'b', in the language of Khivaq, which is one of the provinces of Khwarezm, they call “water” so, just as they call “bread” pakand. So sūp o pakand is 'water and bread'.Continue reading